Waldir Azevedo: o Mestre do Cavaquinho
Waldir Azevedo: o Mestre do Cavaquinho
Waldir Azededo was the most commercially successful choro composer and performer of his day, and several of his melodies are among the most familiar of the genre: Brasileirinho, Delicado, Vê se gostas and Pedacinhos do céu come to mind.
And yet, oddly, there is no comprehensive collection of Azevedo's compositions on the market. There is this slim volume, however, with 17 tunes by him, from those best known works to some first published here. The book also presents a short biography of the musician in Portuguese by Jairo Severiano. The scores, transcribed by maestro Ely Arcoverde, are in lead sheet format, for concert C instruments.
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Need a cavaquinho, bandolim or 7 string guitar? How about strings, or digital lessons? Be sure to check out the rest of the Choro Shop for other useful resources, then join us at Choro Camp New England in late June. We look forward to making this beautiful music with you!
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