Brazilian Rhythms, Marco Pereira
Brazilian Rhythms, Marco Pereira
Virtuoso guitarist Marco Pereira has released a complete work on Brazilian rhythms for guitar. With audio included (available online at spotify) where Marco Pereira plays all the examples written in the book, he covers varied rhythms such as côco, ciranda, maracatú, jongo, frêvo, samba, choro and bossa nova, and not only shows the examples, but makes comments and analyses for greater knowledge and enjoyment. An excellent resource for guitarists and anyone who wants to better understand Brazilian rhythms.
Detailed contents:
Historical aspects / Samba / Partido-alto / Maxixe / Tango brasileiro / Samba em arpejos / Samba-canção / Samba-de-avenida / Bossa-nova / Samba-telecoteco / Samba-funk / Samba-de-coco / Samba-de-roda / Afro-samba / Jongo / Choro / Choro-canção / Chorinho / Samba-choro / Chula / Capoeira / Maculele / Calango / Caterete / Chamamé / Toada / Ijexá / Afoxé / Tambor-de-crioula / Boi-do-Maranhão / Baião / Xote / Coco / Congada / Galope / Maracatu / Frevo / Marcha-rancho
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